Club News 

Club Newsletter: April 2024

Our April 2024 Update

We hope you’ve all had a great start to the year. Here’s our update for April 2024 from the whole team at St Mellons Golf Club.

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Update From The Board

From The Board

Our investment in course improvements over the last 2 years has paid dividends and has resulted in an increase in revenue through green fees and a potential of 60+ new members.

Unfortunately, what is apparent in the 2023 accounts is that footfall in the Bar and restaurant has not been reciprocated. Bar receipts are down 7% when inflation is taken into account and restaurant sales hardly pay the catering wages. The losses from both revenue streams are accruing at a time when overheads such as utility bills are on the rise and rate relief is now a thing of the past.

A significant factor affecting these poor revenue results is that the Clubhouse building is tired and neglected. The last significant works carried out was the lower Bar refurbishment carried out in 2017 largely using members labour and donations.

Our Proposal

This April we will be carrying out much needed improvement works to the lower function room that will when completed convert the space to a lounge with access to the balcony via 2 new full height bi-fold doors.

Works will include new ceiling, modern lighting and sofas.

Monies have been put aside for these works however to fully achieve our vision we would need to go to the members to finance an all-weather outdoor viewing area on our balcony using a 8m x 4m Pergola that would act as useful overflow areas when bar is busy or to add to the ambiance for weddings and functions. The Pergola could be purchased and fitted in June in time for the long daylight hours and clement weather.

The project could be ready for our Summer Ball and with the external doors fully opened would create venue suitable for 120+ people If we have sufficient funds available, we would finish the project by installing a Sliding Sold Walling system to cordon off the function room.

Members Finance

To finance the remaining part of the project we are looking for some £30k. We have the members loan agreements already in place where the lender enjoys the equivalent of 5% interest net of tax paid by discount off annual membership. Also, other clubs are offering members a 5year discounted up front deal on their subs to assist in schemes of this type.

At this stage we are looking for initial expressions of interest (from members) in either:

a). 5 year Up front discounted Membership subscriptions.
b). Members loans, similar to last year.

Could we ask / request that any member initially interested in either option that they please contact our GM (Russell) by email.

Flexi Membership

The Board are aware that annually some 20 active members do not renew their membership as age and ill health bring about restrictive mobility. These members primarily resign because they cannot justify (understandably) paying full membership fees when they suffer a lack of buggy access to the course in poor weather conditions.

At the March Board Meeting it was agreed to introduce a “trial” Flexible Membership scheme for 2024. This “trial” scheme is specifically aimed at those existing members only.

Basically, this Flexi Membership “trial” will offer a reduced membership subscription and then a “pay per play” reduced green fee.

The Flexi Membership “trial” will be subject to a strict criterion. The main points being:

  1. The “trial” will be strictly limited to a max of 20 existing members, this on a first come
  2. Have pre-existing medical issues with restricted mobility that prevents them walking
    the course to play golf.
  3. Are able to provide, if requested, medical evidence of their disability or restricted

Again, any member interested please contact the GM (Russell) for more information.

Green Fees 2024/25

At the March Board Meeting the 2024/25 Green Fees were agreed. Primarily we have reduced the amount of discount offered from last year, which will see green fees increase primarily for Adult Visitors and also realigned some other prices. The overall intent being to increase revenue, but at the same time reduce visitor footfall. We have also introduced an “override” facility on BRS which will see Adult Visitor Green Fees at the Rack price on Bank Holidays (all day).

For the members we agreed that guest fees will remain as 2023/24 rates.

We thought we would also share with you some recently supplied data from GolfNow BRS – with respect to our online sales, this for the period 1st May til 30th Sept.

  • Average Visitor Group size was: 2.59 players
  • Average number of days a visitor booked ahead of their tee time booking was: 1.33 days
  • Most popular tee time periods for Visitors was: Afternoons 12:00hrs til 14:00hrs and then 15:00hrs til 16:00hrs.
  • Most popular day of the week for Visitors was: by far Sundays (up to 15:00hrs), followed jointly by Mondays and Fridays.
  • Lowest take up of the week was: Saturday afternoons.

Please find our Green Fees 2024 poster below.

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Upcoming Open Events

Please see our upcoming Club Open Days. You can book online now by clicking here.

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From Our Captains

From Our Mens’ Captain

I would like to thank the members for accepting me as the men’s Captain for the ensuing year in the recent AGM of the club. The members great support at the AGM was much appreciated and encouraging experience. Its going to be a hard act to follow after the immediate Past Captain Mr Robert Cook and I would like to thank him for his support through out last year and for doing such a wonderful job.

It is a great privilege and indeed a great honour to be the men’s Captain of this fine Golf Club. I will do my very best to uphold the high standards and great traditions of this Super Golf Club in my official capacity as your men’s Captain.

I am very proud and very lucky to be a member of this St Mellons Golf Club for 41 years. This year we will be celebrating the 60th Anniversary of the club which will make it an extra special year. To celebrate this Diamond Anniversary, we have organised special Golf Fixtures and Social Events and I look forward to the members support to make this a memorable year.

I had the pleasure to attend the Junior Presentation Night on Thursday evening the 28th of March 2024. Fifty seven Juniors and their parents attended, it proved to be most informative and engaging evening. This gives us all confidence, assurance and hope that the future of this Club will be well taken care of.

I look forward to working with Madam Lady Captain, Vice Captain Mr Phillip Crean, the Management Board, the Manager and the members for the good of this great St Mellons Golf Club. I would like to thank the Members for their support, courtesy and kindness extended to me personally at all times. I wish you all a great and a very successful Golf Season.

Good Luck!
Gurnam S Bhogal

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From Our Ladies’ Captain

Dear Members

It is with great excitement and pride that I have taken over from Sally Madsen as Ladies Captain for 2024-25, our Diamond Jubilee year. It is a momentous year for St Mellons Golf Club and I look forward to working with our new Men’s Captain Gurnam Bhogal to make it special. I will do my best to support and represent our members in any way I can throughout the year.

A couple of dates for the diary. The ladies section is holding a ‘Rules Night’ on Tuesday April 2nd 6.45pm for our N2G ladies and new members and not so new! All welcome. The last rules night was very informative and great fun. It will be a chance to get together before the season and refresh rules and different golfing situations that may crop up. Refreshments will be provided.

Finally the Captains Drive In on Sunday April 7th draws nearer and Mr Captain and I hope you will support us when we tee off at 10.50am. There will be refreshments beforehand and you can guess the distance we may drive to raise monies for our charities.

Have a great season everyone! I look forward to working with you all.

Gill Rees

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MGE Charity Golf Day 2024

Major Golf Events is pleased to be holding its 3rd SYM Villas Charity golf day at the club on Friday 21st June 2024.

Last year we raised over £5,000 for teenage cancer trust and we hope to do the same again this year. The event is always well supported some great prizes we only have a few time slots left so if you’d like to support the event by entering a team, sponsoring a hole, advertising in the programme or donating a raffle prize please email

All contributions will be gratefully received by our chosen charity Teenage Cancer Trust.

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From the Pro Team

Junior Presentation Night 2024

Last Thursday we held our first, annual Junior Night, a fun evening to celebrate the triumphs of the previous season and also to set out the plan for the year ahead.

The evening was a huge success, and lots of fun by all who attended.

We were pleased to announce extensive playing opportunities for the juniors in the coming year, including Golf Sixes, Welsh mini masters, team matches and weekly club competitions.

Two (not so new) faces were introduced as Mark Anderton and Liam Eley joined the team with our Junior Organiser, James Lewis.

We ran fun indoor putting and “keepy up” challenges as well as a raffle which raised a total of £293 for the newly formed Junior Fund.

A big thank you to all who attended the event and made it the success it was not least to Madam lady Captain, Gill Rees, Mens Captain Gurnham Bhogal, General Manager Russel Thomas and also Head PGA Professional Brain Lee for his contribution to the raffle and the buffet.

2024 promises to be an even bigger and better year for St Mellons Juniors, thanks as always to the club for their continued support of our junior section.

PGA Teaching Professional
Tom Benjamin

Thank you

That’s all for this month’s update. Thank you to everyone who has contributed and thank you to all who have left feedback. If you wish to leave feedback, then you can do so using the form below.



Feedback Form

Want to share some feedback with the club? Your feedback can be sent below, or feel free to drop us an email at:

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Course Status:

Course Open - Preferred Lies, Trollies OK, Buggies OK with certain restrictions. Bunkers are No Play Zones.
Updated: February 17, 2025, 07:30 am

Please call the course condition hotline for up-to-date information 01633 680408 #1