The Course
Dress Code & Etiquette
Dress Code & Mobile Phones
St. Mellons Golf Club adopts standards for dress code that generally apply at many private golf clubs.
Our standards are applicable to all Members, their Guests and Visitors.
Juniors are encouraged to dress in consideration to this Dress Code.
The club’s Management Team and Staff, Committee member(s) or Starter have the authority to ensure that our Dress Code is adhered to by ALL Playing Golfers on the Golf Course and ALL Practice and Putting areas.

On the course
- All golf style shirts, including turtle / roll neck type
- Ladies may wear sleeveless golf shirts
- Tailored shorts
- Recognised golf shoes / sandals
- Golf Hats (Peak forward not backwards)
- Sleeveless shirts for men, football or rugby shirts
- Shirts with large lettering or numbers
- Track suits
- Blue denim jeans
- Football, rugby or beach shorts
- Football or rugby socks or no socks at all
- Anything other than recognised golf shoes
- Cargo style shorts / trousers, Cycling shorts, Leggings & Workout gear
In The Clubhouse
- Smart clean casual wear
- Shoes inc. Sandals and Trainers
- Flip flops or slider type footwear
- Hats, Caps & Visors
- Soiled shoes / boots
- Spiked shoes (except when signing in only)
- Wet or soiled clothing (inc. waterproofs)
On the Course
As we are all aware golf fashion changes quickly and our general policy is that any smart, appropriate, recognised golf attire is acceptable. Tailored shorts (NOT cargo style) may be worn with any variety of sports socks.
Golf Caps / Hats & Visors etc must be worn with the peaks facing forward.
Ladies Golf Shirts / Tops
All shirts must have collars or polo / roll necks, Shirts designed to be worn outside shorts, skirts, skorts or trousers are acceptable.
Not Permitted
Athletic, Basketball, Football, Rugby, Numbered style shirts or Tracksuits (inc. Hoodies), Cargo style shorts / trousers, Cycling shorts, Leggings & Workout gear.
Golf Shoes
All golfers must wear appropriate golf shoes (with sports socks) when on the course (which includes all practice and putting green areas).
Non golfers must wear appropriate flat footwear.
In the Clubhouse
Any smart casual clothing is acceptable, but we would ask that caps be removed when inside the clubhouse. Smart denim – wear is permitted within the clubhouse and its immediate vicinity but only if they are clean, and free of any fraying, holes, rips or tears.
Non playing guests / children may be excluded from these rules at the discretion of the Club Manager.
Dirty, muddy or wet clothing is not permitted in the Clubhouse.
Metal spiked shoes cannot be worn, except when signing in for a competition.
Shoes are to be worn at all times – sandals and trainers are acceptable. No Flip flops or Sliders allowed.
Please do not be offended if so asked to adhere to our dress code(s)
The club’s Management Team and Staff, Committee member(s) or Starter are empowered to bring to the attention of any member or visitor, the fact that their dress may not be in keeping / adherence with the requirements of the club rules.
On the Course
As we are all aware golf fashion changes quickly and our general policy is that any smart, appropriate, recognised golf attire is acceptable. Tailored shorts (NOT cargo style) may be worn with any variety of sports socks.
Golf Caps / Hats etc must be worn with the peaks facing forward.
Men’s Golf Shirts
All shirts must have collars or polo necks and sleeves, and must be tucked into trousers / shorts.
Not Permitted
Athletic, Basketball, Football, Rugby, Numbered style shirts or Tracksuits (inc. Hoodies), Cargo style shorts / trousers.
Golf Shoes
All golfers must wear appropriate golf shoes (with sports socks) when on the course (which includes all practice and putting green areas).
Non golfers must wear appropriate flat footwear.
In the Clubhouse
Any smart casual clothing is acceptable, but we would ask that caps / hats be removed when inside the clubhouse. Smart denim – wear is permitted within the clubhouse and its immediate vicinity but only if they are clean, and free of any fraying, holes, rips or tears.
Non playing guests / children may be excluded from these rules at the discretion of the Club Manager.
Dirty, muddy or wet clothing is not permitted in the Clubhouse. Metal spiked shoes cannot be worn, except when signing in for a competition. Shoes are to be worn at all times – sandals and trainers are acceptable. No Flip flops or Sliders allowed.
Strictly no vaping allowed in the Clubhouse.
Please do not be offended if so asked to adhere to our dress code(s)
The club’s Management Team and Staff, Committee member(s) or Starter are empowered to bring to the attention of any member or visitor, the fact that their dress may not be in keeping / adherence with the requirements of the club rules.
Mobile Phones
All Mobile Phones / PDA’s etc must be on silent at all times and not used as a phone on the course, except in the case of a genuine emergency.
In the Clubhouse texting, emailing, internet and diary etc are permitted providing that the equipment is on silent, Members, their guests and visitors of the club are asked to take calls in the corridors of the club or outside the Main Entrance or Terraced areas.
Members Guests and Visitors are requested to be considerate of others when operating their devices.
Members must ensure also that they follow the “Internet and WiFi Policy” of the club.

Find out about becoming a member of St Mellons Golf Club.

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Book a visitor round of golf on one of the best parkland courses in South Wales.

How to get to St Mellons Golf Club from Cardiff or Newport direction.