Our September 2024 Update
We hope you’ve all had a great start summer. Here’s our update for September 2024 from the whole team at St Mellons Golf Club.

From The Board of Directors
Following recent communication from our manager and over the course of the last month, you may have noticed we are suffering staff shortages in the greenkeeping team. Despite their valiant efforts, long hours and help from volunteer members our greens staff have been severely overstretched and as a result the course has suffered.

To improve our current situation in the short term, we are now advertising for a temporary head green keeper to cover illness and are also seeking to secure additional labour to alleviate the workload. Unfortunately, we will still be playing catchup so predict to be behind with our planned autumn works. Our permanent staff need to continue operating the heavy machinery to carry out crucial course maintenance and complete grant funded improvement works, which will leave many other routine tasks in abeyance.
This is where you can help! We would like to ask our loyal membership for assistance.
Please consider volunteering to help with a list of tasks around the course/clubhouse which will free up the green staff to continue with crucial works.
Recent efforts by the Captains Committee and their working groups have proven what can be achieved by members and we are very grateful for this help. If you can spare some time, even if it’s only an hour, please would you come along to the club and speak with Russell in the office who has a list of tasks to be completed as supplied by the green staff. Russell’s contact email is manager@stmellonsgolfclub.co.uk
Thank you in advance of your invaluable help.
Reciprocal Golf for SMGC Members
As you are aware over recent years we have made “reciprocal golf” arrangements, and we continue to look at expanding this benefit. The current situation is as follows:
- Free Reciprocal Golf
As some members already know we recently agreed reciprocal golf arrangements with Cumberwell Park Golf Club https://www.cumberwellpark.com ( a great course situated just outside Bath, off the Bradford-on-Avon road) has been added to the list.
Our thanks for this addition must go to Brian Lee (Head Golf Pro) who negotiated the deal on our behalf. Please note that tee times can only be booked via Russell (GM) who has direct access to their tee time booking system, please DO NOT try to book directly or via our Pro shop as you will be greatly “disappointed”.
- Harry Colt Association of Golf Courses (HCA) Reciprocal Arrangements – the current list of some 50 + Harry Colt Golf Clubs can be viewed either on the Main Noticeboard or via the Club V1 Document Folder. This list was recently updated (4th September) and we noted that Bath Golf Club (or also known to some as Sham Castle GC) has recently been added (another great HC Course). Please note that these arrangements are not free but you will get reduced green fees. To book tee time(s) just simply follow the individual golf club instructions / arrangements as per the HCA list.

From Our Captains
From Our Mens’ Captain
Dear Members,
We have all gone through the peak holiday season and I hope everyone has enjoyed a well-earned break. I represented St Mellons Golf Club at the Gwent Captains meeting on Sunday the 11th of August at Newport Golf Club, on Saturday the 24thd of August at Bryn Meadows Golf Club and on Sunday the 1st of September at Greenmeadow Golf Club. All the meetings were very well attended and was a great honour and privilege to attend on behalf of our golf club.
Our Men’s Open Team event was on 1st September. Again, we were very lucky with the weather. I would like to thank the Past Captains, Ron Boyce, John Critchley, Iain Young, Steve Brockway, Mike Buckland and Steve Parry for all their help with starter duties, registration duties in one of our show case events.
I went to Morlais Castle to support our 1st team in the Welsh Team Championships. It was a great pleasure to see the team perform and made it to the Semi-finals! Congratulations to Ben Thomas team captain and to all the team players, for such a great and proud performance. The team appreciated great effort made by the members to go and support them.
Our club finals day was on 7th September. We were very lucky and fortunate to get this show case event over the line despite torrential rain for two days prior to the event. I am very grateful for the help of our head PGA professional Brian Lee, our greenkeeper Dylan, Vice-Captain, Phil Crean and IPC Rob Cook for their help to put local rules in place to continue with the very busy programme. I am delighted to say that all the matches started on time and we had no rain for the rest of the day until about 5.30pm in the evening when all the finalists had completed their matches and were back in the club house. I would like to thank the course working party who worked tirelessly on Tuesday before the finals day and the Greens staff to the present the course the best they could under extreme wet conditions. Huge thank you to the Golf committee for working so hard to present the programme and polishing all the trophies to be presented. Special thank you to Simon Dibley for organising the purchase of Two 60th Anniversary Cups one for the ladies’ winner and one for the Men’s winner donated by our board of directors much appreciated by the members. I would like to thank all the participants in the competitions and well done to the finalists and congratulations to all the winners. Thanks to Simon Morgan our chef to put change of plans into place at a short notice. Thanks to Trish and her bar staff for such an excellent effort. Thank you to Russell for sending everyone communications. Massive thanks to all our referees for their time and managing the matches so well. Thanks to all the members who made a special effort to come and support the finalists. Phenomenal thanks to all the Junior section organisers it was great and refreshing to see so many Juniors and parents take part on our finals day .I believe it is the most important section of the club and it’s from this section our future Champions are going to come from!
It was a great pleasure to referee the Club Championship Men’s Gold match with our home-grown finalists Marc and Adam. Over the past 41 years I have watched them both play as juniors and a great pleasure to see them progress. The match was played in great spirit despite the greens being so wet. Both played excellent golf and the match finished on the 36th hole. Congratulations to Adam as Club Champion and commiserations to Marc. You both did St Mellons Golf Club very proud!
Thank You for your continued support.
Gurnam S Bhogal
Mens Captain

From Our Ladies’ Captain
Dear Members,
The golfing season continues at pace and as I write this I cannot believe that it is almost September and our finals day! The main reason is that August has been so full of uninterrupted golf!
The ladies section held another Texas Scramble on Sunday 4th which was again greatly enjoyed by our newer members. A great confidence booster and of course great fun. Something we hope to continue through the winter months.
I held my Lady Captains Away Day the following Tuesday when 18 ladies joined me at Henbury Golf Club, Bristol. The weather was perfect as was the welcome and hospitality. The course was in great condition and testing in places but some great scores came in in our team stableford with Mary Long, Shirley Mynett and Chris Shewring winning.
Our ladies team had another fixture on the Friday versus Green meadow at home and narrowly missed a win. Well done those that played and with one fixtue left in September we are optimistic of staying in our division.
The following Monday 12th was our Senior Ladies Open when 69 ladies from South Wales, Gloucestershire, Wiltshire and Avon came to play in our team event. Always a popular day not least because of our cream teas in the half way house! Thank you to all that made this day successful. Visitors first prize was won by a team from Cottrell Park and first prize for members was won by Christina Gardner, Julie Brown and Julie Gibbons. Well done ladies!
Our past lady captains got together for their annual competition and meal on Sunday 18th and I was happy to be asked to join them. The catering staff put on a great meal and well done to Jo Waite for organising. The golf was won by Ann Booth with Lynys Mc Geever second and Sally Madsen 3rd.
Our ladies Wednesday competitions continued successfully throughout August and I was especially pleased to raise £181 at my Ladies Charity Day on the 21st when donations are made instead of entry fees…..thank you everyone.
Well done to Ann Booth and Julia Dolby who represented us at the All Wales finals for the Medal and Challenge Bowls at Cradoc.
Finally as our knockout season comes to it’s conclusion on Saturday 7th September our Finals Day, I would like to thank all those who have taken part in the competitions and wish everyone the best in their finals. Please turn up to support the players and join us at the presentation and BBQ .
Happy Golfing!
Gill Rees
Gill Rees

Finals Day 2024
The results from our Finals Day 2024 are as follows:
WINNER – Sally Madsen
Runner Up – Bev Dobbs
WINNER – Kay O’Donnell
Runner Up – Gill Rees
WINNER – Rachel Geatches
Runner Up – Roseanne Walters
WINNER – Shirley Mynett
Runner Up – Kay Andrews
LONG SALVER – Kay O’Donnell
THE MEMORIAL CUP – Shirley Mynett
Frances Duffy & Lubna Rehman
C.G. DAVIES Bev Dobbs
WINNER – Bev Dobbs
Runner Up – Kay O’Donnell
WINNERS – Ann Booth & Jill Reitz
Runner Up – Annie Burrin & Alison Noon Jones
WINNER – Adam Lee
Runner Up – Marc Anderton
WINNER – James Murphy
Runner Up – Justin Behnan
WINNER – Josh Richards
Runner Up – Brian Konten
WINNERS – Ann Booth & James Lewis
Runners up – Lizzy Brown & Steve McDonald
WINNERS – Meredydd Osborne & Tony Hale
Runners Up – Steve Borja & Paul O Brian
WINNER – Bob Gibson
Runners Up – Steve McDonald
WINNER – Richard Hill
Runners Up – Dave Griffiths
WINNERS – Cory & Josh Pesticcio
Runners Up – Elliot Wren & Matthew Taylor
WINNER – Keith Patterson
Runners Up – Paul O Brian
EAGLE TROPHY – Marc Warren
VEANDRE CUP – Neil Wheeler

What’s On At The Clubhouse
Club Night
With a Quiz, Bingo and a prize pot of £400, you don’t want to our Club Night. Our Club night is hosted at St Mellons Golf Club on the third Thursday of every month. So come and join us this month on Thursday 19th September.
If you wish to order food then please contact the clubhouse to book a table.
For bookings and enquiries call 01633 680408

Thank you
That’s all for this month’s update. Thank you to everyone who has contributed and thank you to all who have left feedback. If you wish to leave feedback, then you can do so using the form below.